I spotted daffodils poking through the snowy ground this morning, so I had to snap a picture, of course. Just for fun, I threw in the new knitting project I started last night:
It's a sweater for me. Hooray! Thanks for the comments on my last post encouraging me to do something for myself. I feel like I do plenty of knitting for myself, actually, but you guys are right. I spend most of my time taking care of other people (namely, my offspring). I often feel guilty whenever I take time for myself or make something for myself, but I know that guilt, while inevitable and part of motherhood, is unnecessary. I need to get over it.
It's a sweater for me. Hooray! Thanks for the comments on my last post encouraging me to do something for myself. I feel like I do plenty of knitting for myself, actually, but you guys are right. I spend most of my time taking care of other people (namely, my offspring). I often feel guilty whenever I take time for myself or make something for myself, but I know that guilt, while inevitable and part of motherhood, is unnecessary. I need to get over it.