to swatch, or not to swatch

Behold! The Marsan Watchcap! Which in no way fits my husband!! It's a little tight on me, in fact, though I wore it today because don't have another hat.

Daniel could wear it...

...though apparently he'd rather not have the brim turned up.

Even Anya could wear it:

Turns out she looks rather fetching in gray, don't you think? I didn't know until now because there's no such thing as gray clothes for little girls. Not that I've found, anyway. This hat is especially cute on her because it's a little too tall so it curls up at the top like a little Hershey's Kiss.

It's a nice hat, even if it doesn't fit the person I made it for, so I'll keep it for now. If nothing else, I'll use it until I make another hat for myself that looks nicer. But never fear, dear husband. I've got more masculine yarn wound and waiting to be cast on for a hat that won't squeeze your brain.


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