so what's next?
Here's my current WIP pile:

Rather modest, yes? I've been doing pretty well lately with having only a few projects going at a time. It's not even that I think there is something wrong with having lots of works in progress. Knitting is knitting, and a knitter should do what he/she wants, whether that means one project at a time or ten. For me, though, I'm most comfortable with two or three projects on the needles at once. Just one gets monotonous, and more than three (or four...) is too distracting.
The big teal blob in that photo above is my lightweight pullover, still about 3 rounds of sleeve ribbing away from being complete. It was hot and humid earlier this week, so I wasn't inspired to finish it, but now I wish I had because today it's cold and wet and feels like March again - perfect sweater weather!
The red swatch is for a project I agreed to test knit, my first ever! That's kind of exciting, but it means I'm on a deadline of sorts. I'd like to see how quickly I can get it done. Maybe a week?
And finally, my latest "cast on quick so I have something to knit in the car/at the park/on the porch while the kids play in the sprinkler" project:

It's a Wurm hat, and there are like a gazillion on Ravelry. I wish the pattern had a little more information about sizing, but it's a freebie, so I can't really complain. I'm using Farmhouse silk blend, a really interesting yarn with a sort of rag-wool quality. It's rustic, which I like, and all American-made, which I like even better.
My next post ought to be an FO. Seriously, 20 minutes of knitting is all it's going to take to finish that teal sweater!

Rather modest, yes? I've been doing pretty well lately with having only a few projects going at a time. It's not even that I think there is something wrong with having lots of works in progress. Knitting is knitting, and a knitter should do what he/she wants, whether that means one project at a time or ten. For me, though, I'm most comfortable with two or three projects on the needles at once. Just one gets monotonous, and more than three (or four...) is too distracting.
The big teal blob in that photo above is my lightweight pullover, still about 3 rounds of sleeve ribbing away from being complete. It was hot and humid earlier this week, so I wasn't inspired to finish it, but now I wish I had because today it's cold and wet and feels like March again - perfect sweater weather!
The red swatch is for a project I agreed to test knit, my first ever! That's kind of exciting, but it means I'm on a deadline of sorts. I'd like to see how quickly I can get it done. Maybe a week?
And finally, my latest "cast on quick so I have something to knit in the car/at the park/on the porch while the kids play in the sprinkler" project:

It's a Wurm hat, and there are like a gazillion on Ravelry. I wish the pattern had a little more information about sizing, but it's a freebie, so I can't really complain. I'm using Farmhouse silk blend, a really interesting yarn with a sort of rag-wool quality. It's rustic, which I like, and all American-made, which I like even better.
My next post ought to be an FO. Seriously, 20 minutes of knitting is all it's going to take to finish that teal sweater!