cuppa coffee

Do you ever have days when you feel frustrated and impatient? Where everything from the rotten economy to the unwashed dishes, from Republican obstructionist politics to your family's inability to put their dirty socks in the hamper makes you want to find a punching bag and hit it really really hard? I'm having one of those days.

This afternoon I finally made myself a cup of coffee and let the kids watch a little TV so we can have a little space from each other. Right now I should be getting a head start making dinner since I have to teach piano this evening, but the paneer cheese I want to fry for pilaf is still thawing and I just need a little time to myself before I get (back) to work.

Here's a glimpse of the sweater I've started for Anya:

The pattern is Sweet Peasy (that's a ravelry link) and it's a fairly simple top-down number with a little bit of lace down the front. You have to follow the increases pretty carefully (not all of them are every other row), but otherwise the design is quite straightforward and charming.

I hope this fits Anya. I hope she wears it. The fact that it's yellow is a definite plus.


juicyknits said…
Peasy is such a lovely pattern. I'm sure the little one will like it.
Anonymous said…
I definitely have those days, too, and for all those reasons--sometimes more of them than I think are healthy in any given 3 month period. I hope your day has been a better one since your coffee time. The yellow sweater is pretty.
Anonymous said…
Hang in there - we need resilience. And the sweater looks good!
Caffeine Girl said…
You should always take a moment for yourself when you need it. Really, it benefits the whole family!

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