
It seems Jenn wants to learn how to knit. Excellent news! If you read her comment on my last entry, you'll see that she asked for advice on the best way to learn, so I figured I'd just solicit your suggestions and advice here.

Everyone learns to knit a different way. Some people take a class, some people read a book, some people just sort of figure it out. I learned when I was 8, in a 4-H class that my mom taught, but most other knitters I know learned as adults. Also, there is no one right way to knit. Here are a few suggestions I have:

1. The best way to learn to knit is from a real, live person. Take a beginning knitting class in a LYS (local yarn shop). If that's too expensive or time-consuming, find out if the local library has knitting classes. Libraries sometimes offer knitting classes for kids; if Jamie (Jenn's 10yo son) has any interest, you could sign him up and tag along.

2. Videos are a good second. Try this website for good tutorials on various techniques. I've not checked out YouTube, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of demonstrations there.

3. There have got to be a lot of "Learn to Knit" DVDs out there. Can anybody recommend good ones? Again, if they're expensive, try the library.

4. Check out Elizabeth Zimmerman, the knitting goddess of the 20th century. Her books are timeless (Knitting Without Tears, Knitters' Almanac, Knitting Workshop, The Opinionated Knitter). While she isn't the best way to start, her writing is excellent and entertaining. She had a PBS show (Knitting Workshop) that is available on DVD; I'm still waiting for a copy to come in for me at our library.

5. Knit with wool. Jenn lives in San Antonio, where there isn't much call to wear wool anything, but trust me here. Acrylic is basically spun plastic. Cotton and other plant fibers aren't elastic or forgiving at all, hard on the hands, and not good for someone learning for the first time. Wool is forgiving and elastic and easy to work with. Good, basic wool is also fairly inexpensive. You could get a couple skeins of, say, Patons Classic Merino - enough for a scarf - and a pair of needles for under $20.

Any other suggestions?


Thanks for the tips! I'll look into what's available around here. As for the wool - the high today is in the low 40s, so I'm wishing I had a good wool sweater!
Anonymous said…
I agree with your suggestions. I always tell people it's best to learn from a person if you can at all help it.
ann said…
I love wool socks, even in summer.

I want to learn, too! Wish Jenn adn I could learn together!
Anonymous said…
I learned to knit from a children's book...Melanie Falick's "Kids Knitting". It apparently worked well for me! But I agree that learning from a real person would probably be best, and I think the suggestion of Patons Classic Merino is perfect. That's what I gave my mom in a "learn to knit kit" a few years ago.

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