it all started with the zipper
This is how it happened. A little while ago, I was at Joann's to get a blue zipper for the cardigan I sent to Afghans for Afghans. Anya was with me, and she spotted a yellow zipper, pulled it off the display, looked up at me with her big, round, irresistible brown eyes and said, "Mom, will you make me a sweater with a yellow zipper?"
It's hard to say no to Anya. Don't worry, I'm not spoiling her. I am perfectly capable of saying no to the important things like cookies for breakfast and too much TV. But when my adoring child specifically requests a knitted item, of course I say yes.
This time, it all started with the zipper. She wanted a yellow zipper. And it's the damnedest thing, I have plenty of yellow yarn for Anya, but all in small quantities, certainly not enough for a whole sweater. So we had to go pick that out, too. A little while later, we came home and started winding the yarn and I couldn't believe I'd made such a major spur-of-the-moment decision, to knit a whole sweater based on a 4yo's whim of liking a yellow zipper.
About a month later, the sweater is done. And it's too big, not "too big" as in adorably and fashionably slightly oversized, but simply too. big.

I'm not sure what I was thinking here. I was using a Knitting Pure and Simple pattern, and KPS patterns are roomy to begin with. My gauge didn't quite match the pattern's, so I did some quick calculating to adjust for size, but I guess I simply overestimated how big the finished sweater needed to be. Fortunately, Anya was amazingly cooperative for taking photos this afternoon (especially since she has been sick with an ear infection for several days and can't quite seem to shake the low-grade fever that comes with it), but she won't wear the sweater because it's too big. I don't blame her. I just hope she still likes it when it does finally fit.

Pattern: Children' Neck Down Cardigan by Diane Soucy from Knitting Pure and Simple (Aside: I had bought this pattern long ago from a shop, but I love that you can get KPS patterns for download now!)
Yarn: Spud and Chloe sweater, in yellow (3 skeins) and medium blue (2 skeins)
Sticks: size 8 for the main part, size 7 for garter edges

My only modification, other than the stripes, was to add pockets. She wanted pockets!

I love the yellow hood:

Anya, I hope you never stop loving yellow. It reflects your sunny personality. Also, you can wear it so much better than I can.

Better too big than too small, right?
It's hard to say no to Anya. Don't worry, I'm not spoiling her. I am perfectly capable of saying no to the important things like cookies for breakfast and too much TV. But when my adoring child specifically requests a knitted item, of course I say yes.
This time, it all started with the zipper. She wanted a yellow zipper. And it's the damnedest thing, I have plenty of yellow yarn for Anya, but all in small quantities, certainly not enough for a whole sweater. So we had to go pick that out, too. A little while later, we came home and started winding the yarn and I couldn't believe I'd made such a major spur-of-the-moment decision, to knit a whole sweater based on a 4yo's whim of liking a yellow zipper.
About a month later, the sweater is done. And it's too big, not "too big" as in adorably and fashionably slightly oversized, but simply too. big.

I'm not sure what I was thinking here. I was using a Knitting Pure and Simple pattern, and KPS patterns are roomy to begin with. My gauge didn't quite match the pattern's, so I did some quick calculating to adjust for size, but I guess I simply overestimated how big the finished sweater needed to be. Fortunately, Anya was amazingly cooperative for taking photos this afternoon (especially since she has been sick with an ear infection for several days and can't quite seem to shake the low-grade fever that comes with it), but she won't wear the sweater because it's too big. I don't blame her. I just hope she still likes it when it does finally fit.

Pattern: Children' Neck Down Cardigan by Diane Soucy from Knitting Pure and Simple (Aside: I had bought this pattern long ago from a shop, but I love that you can get KPS patterns for download now!)
Yarn: Spud and Chloe sweater, in yellow (3 skeins) and medium blue (2 skeins)
Sticks: size 8 for the main part, size 7 for garter edges

My only modification, other than the stripes, was to add pockets. She wanted pockets!

I love the yellow hood:

Anya, I hope you never stop loving yellow. It reflects your sunny personality. Also, you can wear it so much better than I can.

Better too big than too small, right?
So precious and Anya really rocks it.