case of the mondays
Mondays for me are a series of pick-ups and drop-offs. Take one kid to school, kill a couple of hours, take the other to preschool, cram a run and a shower and lunch into about an hour and a half, pick up the first kid, give him a snack, pick up the other kid, figure out's that icky combination of being quite busy without getting much of anything accomplished. I have finally figured out that I should make Monday the day I run a shorter distance, and then make up for that shorter distance by doing intermittent sprints for the last mile. So far, so good.
I grabbed last 15 minutes before picking up kid #1 to take a couple of mediocre pictures of a hat I finished over a week ago.

Pattern: Rosebud by Jared Flood
Yarn: Hand-dyed Romney wool from Yorkshire Rose Farm.

This hat was very fun to knit. I've never gotten bored knitting a Brooklyn Tweed pattern. But the final product? Meh. I went with the larger slouchier version, and it looked completely stupid on me, so I ripped back and to one fewer repeat of the cable pattern. This helped, but it still has an unfortunate mushroom shape on my head. I do not understand this, because all the project pages on Ravelry look really good on everyone, even the super-slouchy versions! (I did check gauge, and mine is dead on, so it's not that.)
I may try this pattern again and just go with the smaller version all the way. Meanwhile, this blue is the perfect color for a friend of mine who can really rock a slouchy hat. I think it was meant to be hers!
I grabbed last 15 minutes before picking up kid #1 to take a couple of mediocre pictures of a hat I finished over a week ago.

Pattern: Rosebud by Jared Flood
Yarn: Hand-dyed Romney wool from Yorkshire Rose Farm.

This hat was very fun to knit. I've never gotten bored knitting a Brooklyn Tweed pattern. But the final product? Meh. I went with the larger slouchier version, and it looked completely stupid on me, so I ripped back and to one fewer repeat of the cable pattern. This helped, but it still has an unfortunate mushroom shape on my head. I do not understand this, because all the project pages on Ravelry look really good on everyone, even the super-slouchy versions! (I did check gauge, and mine is dead on, so it's not that.)
I may try this pattern again and just go with the smaller version all the way. Meanwhile, this blue is the perfect color for a friend of mine who can really rock a slouchy hat. I think it was meant to be hers!