"...and that's your sweater, daddy!"

Little kids have a funny way of spilling the beans, don't they? Our family has a well-known and oft-repeated tale of my younger brother sitting on dad's lap, pointing to a box under the Christmas and exclaiming, "That's your sweater, daddy!" The other day this innocuous and adorable gaff came full circle when Joe was chatting with Stuart via FaceTime on their iPhones and Daniel said, "Uncle Joe, my mom is knitting you socks for Christmas!" So much for the element of surprise.

Now that my top-secret knitting isn't so top-secret anymore, I might as well share just a bit of what I've been working on lately:

Joe, if you are reading this, the joke is still on you because I'm afraid these socks, as lovely and warm as they will be, will not fit you. A couple nights ago, I was just about to the toe, when I thought it a good idea to have Stuart slip it on his foot to check the fit. Alas, the sock fits Stuart nice and snug, which is good news for Stuart and not so good news for Joe because Joe's feet are a few sizes larger. I refuse to rip out a sock that is well-made and will fit someone, even if it's not the original recipient, so now there are two wonderful guys in my life getting socks for Christmas that will in no way be a surprise.

I take that back. The way things are going, it will be a bit of a surprise if I actually get the socks done in time for Christmas. However, hope springs eternal and I'm a pretty fast knitter, who, as it turns out, is on a major sock jag, so I'm reasonably optimistic.

I started another pair of socks for Daniel, too (told you I was on a jag!):

I'm actually planning to write up a pattern/tutorial for all these socks I'm knitting and post it here. There's nothing special about it, really, but I'm combining all my favorite elements of sock-knitting into one design, and I'll even crunch a few numbers for different sizes. Stay tuned for that.


Jessi said…
Awww. What a cute story. And I love the stripey socks. There is nothing finer than stripey wool socks!
canadahauntsme said…
It's ok. Maria's reading "born to run" and apparently some guy with flat feet (size 12) started running barefoot and developed arches; now his foot is a size 9. Crazy! Maybe I need to start running barefoot and I'll fit into those socks!

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