knitting mania
Lately I'm a knitting machine. In the past couple weeks I've made a little sweater for our niece's first birthday, mittens for Daniel, and a Halloween hat for Anya. It helps that all these projects are small and simple, of course. But I'm also inspired by the weather we're having. It seems we went from pleasantly warm summer's end to autumn frosts without a nice chilly-but-nice in between. Towns a little north of here had snow on the ground the other day. Blech.
Anyway, Halloween is coming up. Last year I took Daniel and Anya to Kentucky, and we had such a nice time we're going back this year. We went trick-or-treating at the downtown businesses in the afternoon. As I recall, Daniel fell asleep in the stroller, and he couldn't eat 90% of the candy anyway. Anya, of course, was just a baby and couldn't have any of it. I don't even think I bothered to put her in a costume. This year, Daniel is way more aware of what's going on, so I think he'll enjoy the whole process that much more. Every few days he changes his mind about what to be. Mostly recently, he has requested to dress up as a goat. I'm not sure how to make him a goat costume, so I'm hoping to talk him into being a kitty cat for the second year in a row. Cat costumes are easy, right? Dress them in the same color head to toe, braid a tail out of scraps of fabric and pin it in the back, knit a hat with ears and mittens with paw prints and you're set to go!
Here's Daniel apple-picking last week in his orange kitty hat from last Halloween:

Here's Anya in her own new kitty hat on the same apple-picking trip:

Pattern: None, just a vanilla hat with garter stitch triangles sewn on for ears. I used size 7 needles and got 4.75spi.
Yarn: Malabrigo worsted in black, about 1/2 skein. They just got Malabrigo in at the Sow's Ear, and this seemed like a perfect excuse to buy some. Anya actually keeps this hat on when we're outside. Well, usually...

By the way, I bought some yarn on that same apple-picking trip. I mean, how often do you go to an orchard and find yarn for sale from one of the very sheep you saw grazing on the hillside?
Anyway, Halloween is coming up. Last year I took Daniel and Anya to Kentucky, and we had such a nice time we're going back this year. We went trick-or-treating at the downtown businesses in the afternoon. As I recall, Daniel fell asleep in the stroller, and he couldn't eat 90% of the candy anyway. Anya, of course, was just a baby and couldn't have any of it. I don't even think I bothered to put her in a costume. This year, Daniel is way more aware of what's going on, so I think he'll enjoy the whole process that much more. Every few days he changes his mind about what to be. Mostly recently, he has requested to dress up as a goat. I'm not sure how to make him a goat costume, so I'm hoping to talk him into being a kitty cat for the second year in a row. Cat costumes are easy, right? Dress them in the same color head to toe, braid a tail out of scraps of fabric and pin it in the back, knit a hat with ears and mittens with paw prints and you're set to go!
Here's Daniel apple-picking last week in his orange kitty hat from last Halloween:

Here's Anya in her own new kitty hat on the same apple-picking trip:

Pattern: None, just a vanilla hat with garter stitch triangles sewn on for ears. I used size 7 needles and got 4.75spi.
Yarn: Malabrigo worsted in black, about 1/2 skein. They just got Malabrigo in at the Sow's Ear, and this seemed like a perfect excuse to buy some. Anya actually keeps this hat on when we're outside. Well, usually...

By the way, I bought some yarn on that same apple-picking trip. I mean, how often do you go to an orchard and find yarn for sale from one of the very sheep you saw grazing on the hillside?

I would love to go to guild with you next month, if you'd like.