tomten revived
Back in September, I started an EZ tomten. I had intended to send it off to AFA for their children's sweaters campaign. I was entering my third trimester of pregnancy with Anya, and I was a mere three weeks away from the deadline for turning in my dissertation. What the hell was I thinking? Obviously, it didn't get finished in time. I made it through the body of the sweater and put it down. Until last week.
Since Daniel was born, I've gone through spells of somewhat anal retentive behavior, where I want to be efficient and organized about everything - meal planning, doing the dishes, how stuff on the shelves is arranged, getting rid of old clothes, the yarn stash... I think it has to do with control and how I feel like I don't have much control of my life, plus I spend so much time at home that disorganization gets to me. And I get bored. Personal issues aside, when these periods of organization (which, in and of themselves are not a bad thing) often leads to some frustration over just how many projects I've started and abandoned. It bugs me.
I have several inner knitters. One wants to knit lace just because it's so dang pretty, even if there's no way I'll ever use it. One wants to make a dozen plain sweaters because they would be practical and wearable, if boring to knit. One wants to start a million things with no worry about when or how they will get done. And my anal retentive inner knitter, the one who is speaking to me right now, can't stand that there are so many unfinished objects lying about for no other reason than the fact that I am easily bored, a project floozy. So as badly as I want to start a new sweater pour moi, I've got to finish up some of this stuff that's been festering and taking up space and making me feel a little guilty. So before I do anything else, I'm finishing up this pup.
That's a whole lotta garter stitch.
Question is, what do I do with it when I'm done? Will AFA take it? Should I save it for Anya? She'd look nice in that green.
Since Daniel was born, I've gone through spells of somewhat anal retentive behavior, where I want to be efficient and organized about everything - meal planning, doing the dishes, how stuff on the shelves is arranged, getting rid of old clothes, the yarn stash... I think it has to do with control and how I feel like I don't have much control of my life, plus I spend so much time at home that disorganization gets to me. And I get bored. Personal issues aside, when these periods of organization (which, in and of themselves are not a bad thing) often leads to some frustration over just how many projects I've started and abandoned. It bugs me.
I have several inner knitters. One wants to knit lace just because it's so dang pretty, even if there's no way I'll ever use it. One wants to make a dozen plain sweaters because they would be practical and wearable, if boring to knit. One wants to start a million things with no worry about when or how they will get done. And my anal retentive inner knitter, the one who is speaking to me right now, can't stand that there are so many unfinished objects lying about for no other reason than the fact that I am easily bored, a project floozy. So as badly as I want to start a new sweater pour moi, I've got to finish up some of this stuff that's been festering and taking up space and making me feel a little guilty. So before I do anything else, I'm finishing up this pup.
That's a whole lotta garter stitch.
Question is, what do I do with it when I'm done? Will AFA take it? Should I save it for Anya? She'd look nice in that green.